Light room web
Light room web

Why is image size important for websites?įor websites, image size is important for three main reasons: user experience, page speed, and ranking. However, they’re used for the visually impaired via screen-reader software, so keep the attribute text short and concise. Image attribute: Image attributes (alt text or alt tag) are text-based and don’t really impact your website’s performance. Smaller images (up to 2 megabytes in size) are better in most cases.

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Image size: The best overall (pixel) size of your images depends on your use case, e.g., background images need to be bigger than a blog post image.įile size: Anything bigger than 20 megabytes in size can dramatically impact your website speed.

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Any image smaller than that might get cut off or appear blurry if it needs to fill the browser width. Pixel width: 2500 pixels is perfect for stretching full-screen across a browser in most cases.

Light room web